Leitat lidera l’impuls de l’adopció de la impressió 3D al país
El centre tecnològic compta amb més de 15 anys d’experiència en el sector, sent un dels primers centres del país
Read MoreEl centre tecnològic compta amb més de 15 anys d’experiència en el sector, sent un dels primers centres del país
Read MoreLeitat is proud to have presented its coordination of the BATRAW project at the 12th Spanish Conference on R&D in
Read MoreThe 16 partners of the EASIZERo Project Consortium gathered the 19th and 20th of Novembre in Danish Technological Institute in
Read MoreL’aplicació, ideada per 3DThinks, ha comptat amb el departament d’Intel·ligència Artificial de Leitat per a implementar el desenvolupament de la
Read MoreLeitat, en colaboración con la empresa Alisys, está desarrollando un proyecto innovador con el objetivo de trasladar conocimientos en el
Read MoreEl consorcio LiquiDx celebró su tercera reunión anual de coordinación el 31 de octubre de 2024 en las instalaciones de
Read MoreLeitat is excited to present its coordination of two impactful EU-funded projects, BATRAW and ReLeaf, at the 12th Spanish Conference
Read MoreEl centre tecnològic col·labora amb Onalabs, coordinador del projecte, i SIGMA COGNITION S.L.O en el projecte iDIABETES que iniciarà la
Read MoreEl proyecto Emily.AI de la empresa AETHER TECH, en el que Leitat colabora como partner tecnológico, tiene como objetivo mejorar
Read MoreEl centre tecnològic Leitat es posiciona com el primer centre tecnològic espanyol tant en nombre de propostes aprovades com en
Read MoreMedTech Innovation on Advanced Medicine (MedTech Barcelona) adquireix la branca de desenvolupament i de comercialització de kits cel·lulars de ReadyCell
Read MoreLeitat colabora con la empresa Nucleonova S.L. en el proyecto NUCLEONOVA, enfocado en el desarrollo de nuevos componentes para el
Read MoreOn October 24 and 25, the RAWMINA consortium gathered in Barcelona for their 42-month meeting. The first day took place
Read MoreWe are pleased to share the success of the recent conference held as part of the RAWMINA Project on the
Read MoreOn 4th March, the final consortium meeting of the India-H2O Project took place, a cooperation initiative between Europe and India
Read MoreWe were delighted to host our Innoaqua partners from June 25th to 27th at the Cambra de Comerç in Barcelona
Read MoreThe ZeroF Project is dedicated to developing safe and sustainable alternatives to replace PFAS compounds in the food packaging and
Read MoreEl projecte GAIA, basat en la bioelectroconversión microbiana, ha conclòs amb èxit després de tres anys de treball. Aquesta iniciativa
Read MoreWe are thrilled to announce the successful Kick-Off Meeting of the GeoS-TECHIS project, held on 17-18 October 2024 in Padua,
Read MoreWe reached an important milestone in the ROBINSON project during the M48 consortium meeting in Egersund, Norway. Simone Colantoni, Eduard
Read MoreWe are thrilled to announce the kick-off of the Fuels-C project at Leitat’s facilities. This innovative initiative will transform biogenic
Read MoreRecentment ha finalitzat el projecte GO DIIANA format per les empreses ZYRCULAR PLANT i IBERINSECT, com a socis industrials, i LEITAT com a
Read MoreLeitat lidera junto a LEBSA el proyecto PHARO, una propuesta de economía circular pionera en la industria farmacéutica basada en la regeneración de aguas
Read MoreLos miembros del proyecto X-Seed durante el pasado Kick-Off meeting del proyecto.
Read MoreLeitat’s mission to manage technologies to transfer social, environmental, economic and industrial sustainable value for companies and entities cannot be
Read More¿Cómo pueden chatear y comunicarse las personas con dificultad de lectura o escritura, o con discapacidad? En el proyecto 3DTHINKS,
Read MoreEl proyecto PROCON tiene como objetivo mejorar el proceso de producción de automóviles, optimizando concretamente la fabricación de las herramientas
Read MoreThe STREAMS Project, funded by the European Union, represents a crucial initiative aimed at reducing Europe’s dependency on raw materials
Read MoreCANTABRIA LABS y Leitat han unido fuerzas en el proyecto UPCOSMETIC. Este ambicioso proyecto tiene como objetivo principal explorar nuevas
Read MoreLas alergias alimenticias son un problema de salud significativo que afecta a más de 17 millones de personas en Europa,
Read MoreLas enfermedades neurológicas, en su mayoría, tienen su origen en alteraciones en la expresión génica, regulada por mecanismos epigenéticos dentro
Read MoreEl proyecto MEDICSEN ofrece una opción de tratamiento no invasivo para enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes y algunas enfermedades autoinmunes,
Read MoreThe quest for clean, sustainable water has reached a critical juncture. Water Europe, a leading water-focused organization, has just released
Read MoreThe INBUILT project, a initiative aimed to promote a construction industry towards a more sustainable and resilient future, recently held
Read MoreOn 15-16th May, the Kick-off meeting of SURFS UP project was held at Bio Base Europe Pilot Plan, in Gent.
Read MoreZEST project has officially started! On 3-4th June, the consortium met at Danish Technological Institute, Denmark, to celebrate the Kick-Off
Read MoreAbstract Developing new antiviral treatment against viruses and particularly high-priority emerging and re-emerging viruses as listed by the WHO,remains crucial
Read MoreThe global challenge of sustainable water management in agriculture is taking a giant leap forward with the launch of the
Read MoreWe are thrilled to announce that we have opened our doors to host the kickoff meeting for the #ReLEAF project.
Read MoreNINFA Project Reaches Milestone: Successful Review Meeting with European Commission! We’re thrilled to announce that the NINFA project has reached
Read MoreLeitat recently participated in the MEZeroE consortium’s General Assembly, hosted at the Politecnico di Milano’s Lecco campus. This European project
Read MoreLeitat hosted a key meeting between representatives of the Gencat and TEXFOR, the Textile Industry Confederation. The purpose of the
Read MoreLeitat’s mission to manage technologies to create and transfer social, environmental, economic and industrial sustainable value for companies and entities
Read MoreDriving Europe’s Battery Independence and Sustainability Embarking on a groundbreaking mission, the STREAMS Project aims to revolutionise Europe’s position in
Read More¡Estamos encantados de anunciar el lanzamiento de DiMεD, una red pionera que impulsará el campo de los dispositivos médicos invasivos
Read MoreEn los últimos diez años, Leitat ha participado en más de 90 proyectos financiados por la Comisión Europea vinculados a
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce the launch of the RecAL project, an ambitious initiative funded by Horizon Europe that focuses
Read MoreThe MoeBIOS project officially kicked off in the vibrant city of Valencia on July 1st and 2nd, 2024. This ambitious
Read MoreLast week, researchers from Leitat, Ainhoa Gaudes and Guillermo Ortiz Secoíz, presented groundbreaking technologies in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Advanced
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