Proyecto UPCOSMETIC: Transformando la Cosmética con Sostenibilidad
CANTABRIA LABS y Leitat han unido fuerzas en el proyecto UPCOSMETIC. Este ambicioso proyecto tiene como objetivo principal explorar nuevas
Read MoreCANTABRIA LABS y Leitat han unido fuerzas en el proyecto UPCOSMETIC. Este ambicioso proyecto tiene como objetivo principal explorar nuevas
Read MoreLas alergias alimenticias son un problema de salud significativo que afecta a más de 17 millones de personas en Europa,
Read MoreLas enfermedades neurológicas, en su mayoría, tienen su origen en alteraciones en la expresión génica, regulada por mecanismos epigenéticos dentro
Read MoreEl proyecto MEDICSEN ofrece una opción de tratamiento no invasivo para enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes y algunas enfermedades autoinmunes,
Read MoreWe are thrilled to present our first ZABAT newsletter. This newsletter will be regularly and will provide you updates from the
Read MoreZinc is described by some experts as the electric fuel of the future. Its main advantages include its ease of
Read More¡New interview! Yesterday the media channel, Canal Terrassa Vallés, conducted an interview with Marc Belenguer about ZABATProject. It was a
Read MoreZABAT, starts the project that will develop the next generation of rechargeable, safe, and sustainable zinc-air batteries The project will
Read MoreZABAT Project Next generation rechargeable and sustainable zinc-air batteries (ZABAT) Popular Science Description Energy storage technologies are essential to reach
Read MoreReunión de Consorcio del proyecto LiquiDx El pasado 18 de mayo ha tenido lugar la primera reunión presencial del Consorcio
Read MorePROYECTO SMARTLUX Artificial Intelligence-driven SMARTWindows for Dynamic Control of Solar Radiation fLUX ABSTRACT SMARTLUX project aims to develop a
Read More3DFOOD-EVOLUTION Design of innovative 3D printed food formulations based on functional ingredients for personalized nutrition solutions of specific target populations.
Read Morer-PHOTCRETE New photocatalytic and self-cleaning constructive solution for façade cladding based on a new concrete with recycled TIO2 from waste
Read MoreSMARTGAZE II Sistema de movilidad autónoma y segura para personas con baja visión en entornos urbanos. ABSTRACT Biel Glasses
Read More• El proyecto permite incorporar aditivos líquidos a los polímeros utilizados en las distintas tecnologías de impresión 3D y soporta
Read MoreLKBL208 LKBL208 Tratamiento dirigido del cáncer de mama triple negativo con un nuevo antagonista oral del receptor de serotonina 1B
Read MoreiDIABETES Project iDIABETES New digital tools for remote, non-invasive and continuous diagnosis for chronic diabetic patients ABSTRACT As it
Read MoreColaboración publico-privada para el diagnóstico del cáncer basado en biopsia líquida e Inteligencia Artificial Flomics Biotech, en colaboración con el
Read MoreRTC MICROINMUNOMAMA Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women and accounts for 11% of cancers detected
Read MoreBioelectroconversion of orGAnic waste streams and CO2 into sustaInAble fuels GAIA project was funded under the frame of the
Read MoreRTC STOPINFECTIONS Abstract: The spread of bacterial infections resistant to antibiotics is one of the big threats of public health.
Read MoreRTC CELmAb Abstract: Background: Detection of autoantibodies in the clinical laboratory has been a powerful tool widely used in the
Read MoreAfter 4 years, Spanish collaborative RETO project POWER2BIOMETHANE, with LEITAT, NATURGY, UPC-SEER, and DUTT is closed. An intensive collaboration allows
Read MoreThe Diagnostic Devices research group of Leitat, part of the Energy and Engineering Business Unit, took part in the 2nd
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