A Technology to Improve the Treatment of Urban Wastewater
Sorigué, in collaboration with Leitat, develops a new technology called Electrowetland to improve the efficiency in the process of elimination of organic matter in wastewater recovering at the same time electrical energy.
The Electrowetland project develops a new hybrid technology based on the improvement of the lagooning or wetland technology, used in the purification of urban wastewater. The objective of the project is to improve the performance of wetlands systems without increasing the costs of construction or operation, generating a competitive advantage for the company in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) market. The system aims to improve the wetlands systems through the incorporation of bioelectrochemical systems, in order to improve the efficiency in the processes of elimination of organic matter, at the same time that seeks to recover electrical energy to be reused in the monitoring of the whole process
The research has among its objectives to improve the efficiency in the elimination of organic matter, between solids and nutrients; reduce the hydraulic residence time to achieve optimal treatment; recover energy during the process of elimination of organic matter; determine the power supply potential of the sensors of the wetland system itself with the energy recovered; reduce the problems associated with the obstruction of the filter bed of wetland technology, with the consequent reduction of operational costs.
The project will allow the creation of a new proprietary technology from Sorigué, which will mark a paradigm shift in the soft wastewater treatment systems for small and medium-sized WWTPs. This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020.
Source: Sorigué