Perovskite Photovoltaic Technology Reached a New Record
Photovoltaic perovskite technology reached a new efficiency record of 20,3% with a module of 11,2cm². This module was developed by the Apolo consortium at CEA laboratories
Apolo is a European research project that is developing a new and promising photovoltaic technology called Perovskite for a new generation of photovoltaics. This technology has obtained a new efficiency record of 20.3% in a 11.2 cm² surface with a cheap and easy manufacturing technique.
Recently, Apolo’s team has reached this new record of efficiency in the labs of the French centre, CEA, thanks to a 8 cells in series module combining coating deposition techniques and laser patterning. The Perovskite solar cells are printable and flexible and allow a cheaper manufacturing. The project has the objective to reach module cost below 0.40€/Wp (Watt peak).
The stability evaluation of these cells is on-going but very promising. However, it still needs to be proved under different illumination and damp heat conditions. The Perovskite technology is trying to be ready for industrialization in a near future.
Leitat is the coordinator of the project and counts on the participation of Flexbrick, Greatcell Solar, Relational, Fraunhofer, Arkema, Accurec, CEA, Rome University, EPFL, and Uninova. Apolo has a Budget of 4’997’191,25€ and is financed by the European Research Programme Horizon 2020.