Industry alliance for reducing energy consumption and CO2 emission
The Industry Alliance for Reducing Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions (IND-ECO), launched in 2012, was a three year project aimed precisely at ensuring sustainable development, achieved through energy efficiency for the EU Tanning and Footwear Sectors, which are primarily comprised of SMEs.
The project’s chief goal has been to create the best market conditions in the short-, mid- and long-term for the facilitation and eventual realisation of investments in energy efficiency by the entire leather value chain – with particular emphasis on the EU-Footwear industry.
IND-ECO has consistently provided for the transition of the EU-Leather Sector to Energy Efficient production and reduced GHG emissions with a range of ready-to-use Audit and Benchmarking tools, scouted technical solutions and investment financing opportunities and agreements , paving the way for enhanced competitiveness and sustainability of EU SME-based traditional manufacturing Sectors.
Project Budget: 1’693’068 €
LEITAT Budget: 142’292 €
Financial Framework: Intelligent Energy Europe
Contract number: IEE/11/949/SI2.615946
Start Date: 30/04/2012
End Date: 29/04/2015

Contact Manager: J. Casellas
IND-ECO has been co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union